Over and above the per-requisite running training, I'm always searching for ways to train.
Always take the stairs - avoid lifts and escalators.
- Meditate and visualize on the morning commute.
- Avoid the car wherever possible - walk or cycle to the train station
- Cycle to work once a week to replace the mid week long run.
- Swim and water run in the evenings.
- Run to work and back on Monday's as a back-to-back run.
- Walk barefoot around the house or outside wherever possible.
- Commit to a well balanced strength training program.
- Eat for success - eat whole foods only.
- Run before the family wakes up and after they go to bed.
- Maintain the body - massage, reflexology, accupunture, ostoepaththy.
- Mow the lawn, take out the trash, take the kids to the park - keep moving and be active.
By walking to work, cycling and strength training, I'm able to add an additional four - six hours on average per week to my overall training schedule. Time on the feet and moving being the most critical success factor for ultras. I also count my walking as part of building up my mileage to 50 miles per week.