
Thursday, January 23, 2014

ABT - Always be training.

Last week I read Jason Robillard's Never Wipe Your Ass With a Squirrel an off the wall  guide to ultra marathon and trail running. It contains a ton of useful information and tips. But the tip that really stayed with me is how to squeeze in the time to train for an ultra around a busy family life. Jason's method is to use ABT - Always Be Training which has become my new mantra. Quite simply it means that in everyday life we look for opportunities to train the mind, body and spirit for long distance running.

Over and above the per-requisite running training, I'm always searching for ways to train.

Always take the stairs - avoid lifts and escalators.
  • Meditate and visualize on the morning commute.
  • Avoid the car wherever possible - walk or cycle to the train station
  • Cycle to work once a week to replace the mid week long run.
  • Swim and water run in the evenings.
  • Run to work and back on Monday's as a back-to-back run.
  • Walk barefoot around the house or outside wherever possible.
  • Commit to a well balanced strength training program.
  • Eat for success - eat whole foods only.
  • Run before the family wakes up and after they go to bed.
  • Maintain the body - massage, reflexology, accupunture, ostoepaththy.
  • Mow the lawn, take out the trash, take the kids to the park - keep moving and be active.

By walking to work, cycling and strength training, I'm able to add an additional four - six hours on average  per week to my overall training schedule. Time on the feet and moving being the most critical success factor for ultras. I also count my walking as part of building up my mileage to 50 miles per week.

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Years Resolutions - 2014

After a year off from running long distances in 2013 after the birth of my second son Charlie, it's time to set some goals for 2014 and beyond. I used the hiatus from running long distances in 2013 to condition my body to running in a barefoot style on trails.  After a couple of false starts and a calf muscle strains I feel as if the transition is now complete.

A few days before the new year I ran up Mt Mansuell  near Tinui in New Zealand . Although it was a modest hill with an elevation of only 340 metres the trail was steep, slippery and muddy. I now have my sites set on running my first ultra marathon in July at the You Yangs in Victoria. 

Beyond that lies the Surf Coast Century, Milford Track, Gozo Ultra and my cool impossible the Big Red Run.